Tuesday, 24 August 2010

On the overuse of words

A very apt blog I read yesterday from Gazlightyear prompted me to write this. In his blog, Gazzer launched a viscious tirade against stupid fucking bastards that are on a bloody crusade to abrogate the English language with moronic sentences like ''I should of gone out last night'' or ''I could of but I decided not to.'' I must say that particular brand of gobshitery is a major gripe of mine. However, what is even more irritating in my opinion is the ridiculous overuse of words nowadays.

I'll give you 2 perfect examples of words that are overused in common conversation: Actually and literally. Its all too common to hear some moronic fuck saying something along the lines of ''Its ACTUALLY so hot today'' or ''That was LITERALLY the best night out ever''. When did these words become so fucking hip? I mean it's not as if words like actually or literally are even nice words. They are quite plain in fact. Nothing special about them at all. I don't mind the ocassional actually or literally if its appropriately used but to use those words in sentences like ''I'm actually so cold'' or ''I'ts literally the best beer I've ever tasted'' is fucking sub standard behaviour. So fuck off with it.

Despite the fact that the overuse of those 2 words is enough to make me lose my faith in humanity, there is one word that is so overused its like a fucking epidemic that transcends race, ethnicity and nationality. Even uing it makes me want to throw up. The word is BASICALLY. BASICALLY!!! Piss off and use another fucking adverb!! I'm sick of the overuse of that word. What annoys me most about that fucking word is that its not just the inarticulate that seem to use it so fucking frequently. Au contraire! Even the Fiona's and Sorcha's of D4 are using the word like its going out of fashion. Lawyers, doctors, businessmen and the political elite are all overusing the word basically. How often to we hear pretentious film critics say something like ''the film is basically a coming of age romcom''. Why not just say it IS a coming of age romcom and leave it at that ya prick? Christ!! I'm not exagerating when I say I've heard the word used as many as 4 times in a sentence!! Fuck sake!

So the next time your about to fall into the trap and use any of the aforementioned overused words think to yourself, Is there a more appropriate word I could use here? And whatever you do for fuck sake at least try and use a word that's more palatable than fucking basically.

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